
Consultants generally give feedback and guidance on a limited basis but don't actually execute. They are world-class operators with specific knowledge critical to a company's success.

The commitment level of consultants varies greatly. Regardless, their function is to give advice, but they only typically interact with people within the core leadership team.

Fractional Executives

Fractional Executives also provide advice, but they're more hands-on, dedicating up to 25 hours per week to own key deliverables or manage teams. As a result, these roles often require highly efficient leadership and management styles.

They focus on filling specific strategic and execution gaps in a leadership team, often identified in partnership between the Fractional Executive and company leadership team.

Interim Executives

Interim Executives commit 40+ hours a week and have a larger purview than Fractional Executives. They can influence company culture, get involved in the team's day-to-day, and set their function's strategy and vision. Unlike traditional Executives who come in with a long-term commitment to growing with the company, Interim Executives are often hired for a set duration of time.